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The Pope did not appear that thrilled to meet Justin Trudeau
  来源:ins批量协议号  更新时间:2024-06-13 13:45:27

Pope Francis is not here for your Instagram likes.

The Pope was recently photographed with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was just born for the camera. But instead of smiling, the Pope decided he would put on his best "I'd rather be reading encyclicals" face.

SEE ALSO:Pope Francis met President Trump and looked insanely psyched about it

We all thought the Pope was just really sad about meeting President Trump. But not even Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, could win the angsty Pope's heart.

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It's not them, it's him.

Mashable ImageCredit: vatican pool/Getty Images

It's entirely possible that Francis just doesn't like to smile for these shots. Or he doesn't like world leaders. Call him the "INFJ" Pope.

The internet couldn't help but notice his reticence.

Pope Francis is the goth teen inside all of us.

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