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#TrumpMeltdown catches on after a long day of yelling from the president

2024-06-16 20:48:33      点击:938

The famous 30 Rock quote, "Lemon, it's Wednesday," was crafted specifically for days like today.

For those of you just catching up, Trump's day has been filled with rage tweets, impeachment talk, whistleblower discourse galore, and a few unhinged press meetings. It's been a Wednesday so wild that #TrumpMeltdown started trending on Twitter to cap off today's national nightmare.

SEE ALSO:Finland's president seemed very unhappy to be sitting next to Trump

It seems as though Trump has been more on-edge than usual lately — ever since an intelligence community whistleblower reported concerning behavior surrounding a July call Trump had with the president of Ukraine. The complaint ultimately led Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to back a formal impeachment inquiry last week, and today Pelosi and House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff held a news conference during which they defended that inquiry.

Ahead of, during, and after Pelosi and Schiff's public remarks today, Trump could be found rage-tweeting about the "Do Nothing Democrats," the stock market, a "moot" (it seems like he meant to type "moat"), and more.

Trump took a short break from tweeting to hold a meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö in the Oval Office, and let me tell you it was TENSE.

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Niinistö barely spoke and definitely did not look thrilled to be in Trump's presence. He made several concerned facial expressions while Trump spoke about his whistleblower and when Trump went in to initiate physical contact between the two men Niinistö pushed him away, looking low-key disgusted.

The #TrumpMeltdown, as Twitter is calling it, continued at around 2:30 p.m. ET when Trump and the Finnish Presiden again took questions at a televised press conference. Trump wound up lashing out at Reuters reporter Jeff Mason who referenced the infamous phone call and asked what Trump hoped the president of Ukraine would do about former Vice President Biden and his son, Hunter.

"Are you talking to me?" Trump replied to the question. "Listen... We have the president of Finland. Ask him a question," he continued.

With an irritated tone Trump repeatedly ordered Mason to ask the president of Finland a question. At one point things got so tense that someone in the room can be heard laughing. Very cool!

Trump then went on a familiar rant about the media.

Maybe we should all go to sleep at like 8:00 p.m. tonight to rest up for another absolutely absurd day in America.

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