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'Take a trump' in these gold toilets being placed around the world
  来源:ins批量协议号  更新时间:2024-06-13 15:57:53

Resistance art is just like any other art: sometimes your mom is going to point at it and ask why it's considered art. That's a question that could take a whole book to answer, and we're here to talk about these gold toilets, so just trust us, it's art.

Toilets that have been spray painted gold and labeled "Take a Trump" have been popping up across the country. A stencil of a pig wearing a crown is painted on the inside of the lids.

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They started appearing on Trump's 100th day in office and have been spotted in Denver, Austin, Los Angeles, Miami, and Chigaco, just to name a few cities.

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The pieces have been organized by art collective Art Finksters. A spokesperson for the Finksters talked to HuffPo, and said that between 50 and 60 artists nationwide, and possibly internationally, have signed on to create and place a gold toilet. "There are still more to come," they said. "Every city deserves a toilet."

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Many of the toilets have become photo ops for members of the Resistance, but a few have actually been taken to be used in people's homes, according to the Finksters spokesperson.

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Hey, whatever you need to get it -- your rage, obv -- out of your system.

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