
PM willing to meet NK delegation during Asian Games in event of encounter: senior official

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, third from left, talks during a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, hours before the opening of the 19th Asian Games on Sept. 23. Courtesy of Prime Minister's Office

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo is willing to meet the North Korean delegation visiting the Chinese city of Hangzhou for the Asian Games in the event of an encounter, a senior government official said Saturday.

Han arrived in China earlier in the day to attend the opening ceremony of the Asian Games and also met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines.

Pyongyang has sent a delegation of sports officials, led by Sports Minister Kim Il-guk, and its team of athletes.

"There is no plan in particular. We didn't consider the possibility," a senior foreign ministry official accompanying Han told reporters when asked about the chance of making any contact with the North's delegation.

Hangzhou Asian Games open after COVID-enforced delay Hangzhou Asian Games open after COVID-enforced delay 2023-09-23 21:18

"If we encounter them, we are very willing to meet," the official said.

It remains unclear whether the North has sent any additional high-level delegation. (Yonhap)

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