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Trespassing child just really wants to hug neighbor's big dog
  来源:ins批量协议号  更新时间:2024-06-18 21:20:28

Trespassing is wrong, sure. 

But it's lesswrong you're a child and all you want to do is hug the friendly neighborhood dog before getting back to your bike ride.

This is the case with Josh, the little boy who continually pops up on his neighbor's security camera. 

"Attn Neighbors! Anyone know who this sweet little boy is?" Hollie Breaux Mallet asks in the video description. "Every now and then when he rides his bike he will quickly come and love on my dog or play fetch real quick, but always leaves quick like he doesn't know if he should be here! I'd like to tell him he's welcome to stay and play, she loves the attention!"

Josh's mom chimed in a few hours after the video appeared online.

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"Ok so...Yes, this is Josh," she writes. "And I'm torn with my heart melting that he adores dogs so much AND with feeling upset that his little booty shouldn't be going on someone's property without permission or without me knowing."

There are, of course, worse things that the neighborhood trespasser could do. We're pretty sure "dog cuddling" falls pretty far down on the list.

[H/T: Storyful]

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BONUS: Here are some corgi butts in slow motion.

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