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Here's what Emma Watson thinks of 'Fantastic Beasts'
  来源:ins批量协议号  更新时间:2024-06-15 18:22:17

LONDON -- Fantastic Beastshas officially been given the Emma Watson seal of approval.

On Monday evening, a few days after J.K. Rowling's latest foray into the world of magic had hit cinemas, everyone's favourite witch took to Twitter to make her feelings about the film clear.

SEE ALSO:6 burning questions we have after viewing 'Fantastic Beasts'

The verdict? Pretty positive.

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You don't go to the trouble of finding five different animal-themed emoji unless you really like something, right?

A few hours after Watson tweeted, Rowling sent her back some Twitter love.

Getting a positive review from an actor that starred in a connected franchise might not seem like that big a deal -- but when it's Emma Watson, people listen.

Just look at all those retweets and favourites.

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