
North Korea's next step: nuclear test?

By Park Si-soo

North Korea appears to be putting the finishing touches on its next nuclear test, South Korea's spy agency said.

"With regards to the Nos. 2 and 3 shafts at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear site, (activity indicates) preparations have been completed for a nuclear test," Rep. Kim Byung-ki of the ruling Minjoo Party of Korea said on Monday after attending a closed-door parliamentary briefing by Seoul's National Intelligence Service (NIS).

The lawmaker said the national intelligence service was preparing for the possibility of North Korea's continued provocation within the period of joint Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercises, especially around Sept. 9, the Day of the Foundation of North Korean. The joint drills will continue through Thursday.

The NIS said the main reason North Korea continues to engage in missile provocations is to "establish a relationship" with the United States, according to Kim.

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North Korea also wants to "indirectly demonstrate the importance" of its intercontinental ballistic missile, the lawmaker said.

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